Prix de la Photgraphie Paris 2011


Heinz Baumann was received an award in the 2011 Prix de la Photographie Paris competition, which received over 4000 entries from around the world.Heinz Baumann received Bronze in the Fine Art category for the entry entitled “Denti Della Vecchia”.

About PX3:
The 2011 Prix de la Photography Paris (Px3) competition is a photography competition that invites emerging and professional photographers to submit their work for juried consideration. The winners in each of the categories – Advertising, Book, Fine Art, Nature, Portraiture, and Press – have been invited to exhibit their work at Espace DUPON in Paris during the month of July. Now in its fifth year, Px3 strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and to introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris. Winning photographs from this competition are also published in the high-quality, full-color Px3 Annual Book. 
To view the complete list of Winners please